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Recommended Products
* This page is currently under construction - some links may be working but if they're not - check back shortly!
I'll also add a little more information for each in due course.
I'm often asked about what things I use day to day.
What supplements I recommend and where to get some of the things I recommend, so I've listed everything here and I'll add more as time goes on.
Hope you find them useful!
My Books!
Resources mentioned in the book
7-Minute Mobility Routine - Be sure to like and subscribe to my channel!
Sea Salt
Sleep Supplement 10% off with code MOVEBETTER
Protein - £10 with code MARK-RU10
Magnesium (spray)
Magnesium (tablets)
Fish Oil
Grass Fed Meat - High quality meat, delivered
Hello Fresh - First week free
Raw Milk
Gym Equipment
Kettlebells (competition style) - my preference but a bit more pricey
Kettlebells (cast iron) - Great for the basics
Clubbells - I LOVE these!
Rope - Flow Rope - so many benefits!
Resistance Bands - A versatile piece of kit, great for home workouts and to use in the gym
Liquid Chalk
Skipping Ropes
Handles for Resistance Bands - There's nothing worse than a flimsy handle!
For more gym equipment recommendations click here
Sunrise Alarm Clock
Timer Plug
Salt Lamps
Blue Blocker Glasses - 10% off with code MoveBetter
Earthing Bedsheets - The mattress covers are my new go-to for Earthing
Cleaning Products
White Vinegar
Sodium Bicarbonate
Castille Soap
SodaStream - 10% off with code Mark Broadbent
Stainless Steel Pans
Toothpaste (flouride free)
Glass Water Bottles
Reverse Osmosis Water Filter
Water2 Water Filter
More ideas here
Vivobarefoot Shoes - 20% off My all-time favourite shoes with code MOVEBETTER20
I hope you find these useful!
Full disclosure: Some of these links are affiliate links so I may receive a small commission if you use them (not all of them). It'll cost you no more, in fact, some of them include a discount if you use them so it's beneficial for both of us.
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